Are We a Good Fit?

I’d encourage you to read the other parts of my website including fees and how to get reimbursed, medications, therapy, and evaluation. However, that’s a lot of reading, so if you’re not interested in that, below is a bullet point summary of items that can help you make a decision to work with me or not. Click on the blue link at the bottom to schedule a 15 minute consultation.

  1. Logistics: I see teens and adults and do a comprehensive evaluation that can take 2-4 appointments to complete. Appointments (including therapy) are spaced out 1x/week for 50-60 minutes per appointment. I do not see people more frequently than this.

  2. Working with teens (age 12 - 17yo): I defer all my treatment assessment and planning to my teenage clients and do NOT involve the parents outside of the initial evaluation (unless there is an emergency). I treat my teenage clients the same way I do adults. This way, I know who I am working for and who to hold accountable.

  3. Specialty: I specialize in the treatment of Depression/Anxiety particularly if there are symptoms of suicidality, perfectionism, and/or phobias.

  4. Insurance: I’m completely Out-Of-Network with all insurance companies. You will be responsible for the full fee for each appointment. You’ll receive a superbill that you can submit to your insurance for partial reimbursement. It’s advised that you call your insurance and confirm if you can receive partial reimbursement before you decide to schedule an initial appointment.

  5. Medications: I do NOT prescribe ADHD medications or controlled medications (benzodiazepines or hypnotics) for anxiety/insomnia. I value therapy more than antidepressants/anti-anxiety meds and am very unlikely to prescribe these medications to you especially if you’re not taking them already.

  6. Therapy: The therapy I provide is practical and goal-oriented. I focus a lot on understanding your symptoms. To that end, sessions will involve mostly just talking with the occasional technique thrown in here or there. I don’t believe in teaching new techniques just for the sake of it because techniques do not have inherent worth on their own. They’re only worthwhile if you know why and when you’re using them.

  7. FMLA for Depression/Anxiety, ESA Letters, and Disability for Depression/Anxiety: I do not help or encourage my patients on any of these financial-legal matters. I regard them as conflicts of interest that will impede your recovery.



Click on the Free 15-Minute Consultation button below so we can meet for further information and see if we can proceed with working with each other.