Caring, Compassionate, Concise Treatment


The website of Dr. Cai Chen, DO, Psychiatrist

Simplified Care and Rapid Relief from Depression, Anxiety, and more!



Hi there! Welcome to my website! I’ve designed this website to workshop ideas and to share transparently with clients and providers what it means to provide and receive mental health care, at least from my own stand point.

I provide psychiatric evaluation, minimal medication management, and therapy to individuals 12 - 65 yo. At any point in time, you can select the 15-minute consultation button by navigating to my free consultation page.

You can also scroll down further to read some testimonials!

I give all credit for the adapted ideas on this website to the work of David Burns. None of the perspectives, approaches, and insights I have on this website would be possible without his work. You can look at resources written by David Burns here.




To Dr Chen,

I will forever be grateful to you for your kindness and compassion shown to me over the length of our therapy sessions. I have dealt with depression, anxiety, and PTSD for 20+ years, and I thought I was a lost cause, and for the first time I have learned how to pinpoint and confront the problems I was facing. You have provided me with the tools I need to deal with these problems and also recognize relapses and the steps I need to take to work through these problems. I have been in inpatient and outpatient care, been through numerous therapists and psychiatrists and for the first time not only did you provide me with the tools I need, but taught me how to use them. The work you have done with me has been life changing, and for that I am thankful. I believe you will continue to do amazing things to help people. Kindness and compassion can be learned, but I believe it comes to you naturally. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all you have done for me. And again, I am forever grateful. YOU WILL DO GREAT THINGS!!!!!!

-K, Female, 40yo (Former patient. For confidentiality reasons, have disguised some details of the person’s name and age)

“Dr. Chen changed my mind on therapy because my progress convinced me of how helpful the therapy approach Dr. Chen uses.

I feel much more positive and open-minded after 2 months of therapy treatment.

The technique[s] Dr. Chen used also fit me very well. I do believe firmly that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach is very scientific and generally useful for different people.

Also, being honest to myself and having a clearer treatment goal could accelerate the process a lot.”

--J, 28yo

“Dr. Chen has helped me improve greatly in life. From a young age, I've lived my life through chaotic feelings of highs and lows -- constantly questioning if I was "normal" or if something was wrong with me. Romantic relationships seemed like rollercoasters, and when things seemed "fine," they normally wouldn't be fine for long. Dr. Chen has never once judged me for my feelings and thoughts, and welcomed me with open arms. Not only does he come up with tools to help during your sessions, but he also cares when your sessions terminate by giving you resources to be self-reliant. Having therapy homework was very new to me and I can definitely say for the first time in my life that I love homework and the worksheets given. I am beyond grateful to have Dr. Chen as my therapist. I have seen multiple therapists throughout my life to the point of giving up and feeling hopeless about "getting better," but Dr. Chen truly is one of a kind. I haven't felt at peace in a very long time. Thank you.”

-C, 26yo

"Dr. Chen helped me escape the worst depression I've ever had in my life and got me on the track to success in such a short period of time. Though some of the techniques are difficult to complete, the results they provide are unparalleled. Because of his therapy, I now have the tools to effectively tackle any bout of depression, anxiety, guilt, etc. for the rest of my life. Thank you so much Dr Chen!

-L, 20yo"

"I struggled with severe depression and anxiety throughout my teen years until now. Hiding intense guilt and self-doubt, I was scared both of my symptoms and my worries that they were permanent and I defective. But, with Dr. Chen's help, after only a month and a half, I became an unrecognizably happy and calm person to my friends, family, and self.

Dr. Chen maintained a perfect balance of professionalism and kindness; he knew when to help, and he knew when to just listen. In the most painful time of my life, I found a therapist of the deep compassion I wanted as well as the expertise I needed in order to progress towards recovery.

While Dr. Chen always met me where I was at, he also brought me far beyond where I imagined, and he was with me every step of the way. I could not have placed my trust with a more non-judgemental, friendly, and effective doctor. Because I know every person deserves the joy and peace he helped me find, I would encourage anyone looking for a therapist or psychiatrist to to see Dr. Chen.

-K, 15yo"

"I am very grateful to have worked with Dr. Cai Chen, and I highly recommend him to anyone who suffers from depression, anxiety, and relationship problems as I did. Dr. Chen consistently demonstrated excellent listening skills and great empathy. Even before we got to the therapy part, the empathy I felt from Dr. Chen literally made me weep for having been so effectively heard and understood. I really felt I had a true partner working with me toward my recovery. The therapy itself is a bit of work because it’s not just talk/talk. There’s homework, written homework, involved. But, in my opinion, that’s where the magic is. As I wrote through the homework I absorbed the lessons more deeply and discovered repeating patterns of my illness and self-defeating behaviors. I saw positive changes in myself almost immediately after starting my therapy with Dr. Chen, so I threw myself into it even more. I was tremendously rewarded as a result. Incredibly, with the help and guidance of Dr. Chen, I was able to attain all my goals 100% within a matter of weeks as opposed to months or even years in other programs. Today, I feel healthy and strong and happy. I’m so glad I did this for myself."

-P, 71yo

"Before meeting Dr. Chen, I was suffering so much from misdiagnose: therapy sessions only consoled me very briefly; I took way too much medication that was not helpful at all; I was so convinced I could not be helped. Dr. Chen quickly break down the problems with the scientific TEAM-CBT model and gave me the correct diagnosis. He helped me see the core of the problem and provided me effective tools that I can use on my own -- in only a total of 10 hours! Thank you, Dr. Chen, the best "dog trainer" for my inner beast".

-H, 26yo



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